Sales Tax Discount Calculator

Sales Tax Discount Calculator Apk

Sales Tax Discount Calculator Apk
Sales Tax Discount Calculator Apk
With three configurable TAX rates to quickly change from one to the other, great for people who travel or need to calculate TAX in different cities.

Sales Tax / VAT Calculator is a handy calculator that will display sale price, tax and total in real time as you enter values and make calculations. Find out the exact price to pay for an item with a discount using the built in discount calculator. The absolutely best calculator for shopping and sales people

- Calculates Sales TAX and Total values as you enter values or make calculations
- NEW: Quickly choose between 3 configurable tax settings. Great for traveling!
- NEW: Rounding Option: Calculate TAX using natural or rounding down result
- NEW: Briefly show your TAX settings at startup
- Customize colors for Text, Buttons and Background. Show your team spirit or your own style!!
- Enter your own TAX ID labels to whatever you want
- Easy to use one TAX ID to calculate Tips!
- Deduct the tax from a total price to find the pre-TAX price. 
- Includes built in Memory functions.
- Pre-set discount calculator allows you to find the final price after discount, including TAX!

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