my nrma

my nrma

Access everyday savings with the my nrma app. This includes finding cheap fuel and parking as well as unlocking exclusive Member benefits.

my nrma

my nrma

my nrma

my nrma

Helping you save money
Fuel prices can be unpredictable and can change up to five times a day. It pays to check the my nrma app for real-time fuel pricing each time you need to fill up. Real-time fuel prices are available for all fuel types and for all service stations located within NSW.

Parking prices can vary dependent on location and time. Use the my nrma app to find the cheapest parking spot at your destination. Parking pricing data is available for all major metro areas within Australia. Shop around and you could find free parking or cheaper rates when you book online.

Make the most of your NRMA Membership with exclusive Member benefits. You can access a range of deals and discounts to save even more.

Helping you save time
Did you know 30% of traffic congestion is caused by drivers looking for parking? Now with the my nrma app you can find the perfect parking spot in advance, including the ability to book parking available near Sydney Airport and Sydney CBD.

Avoid the phone queue and log a roadside assistance request or a new battery request easily on the my nrma app.

Providing peace of mind
Download the my nrma app to make sure it is ready to use if you need to request roadside assistance. It is easy to log a roadside request on the app which will immediately identify your location so our NRMA patrol can quickly find you and get you moving again.

Once you have logged a roadside or battery request, you can use the app to track your NRMA patrol on the map so you know help is on the way. The my nrma app provides frequent ETA (estimated time of arrival) updates. This feature can be used by Members even if you have called to log the roadside assistance request.

The my nrma app is compatible with Android operating system 5.0 and above.

FAQs can be found here:

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Recent changes:
A new range of Member Offers are available. Take a look today and start saving. We've also squashed some bugs to make the experience better.
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