Blue Whale Challenge APK
Blue Whale Challenge is a Music game developed by Sports And Trivia Games. The latest version of Blue Whale Challenge is 1. It was released on . You can download Blue Whale Challenge 1 directly on Over 622 users rating a average 0 of 5 about Blue Whale Challenge. More than 5 is playing Blue Whale Challenge right now. Coming to join them and download Blue Whale Challenge directly!
Here it is, the new challenge, the Blue Whale game, You only have 50 days to complete all the tasks, you should start now!The Blue Whale app has a challenge inside, you must complete all the tasks, one per day, do not miss anything.The app has a game inside that you must finish to unlock the daily tasks, to finish the game you only need to score 100 pointsThe tasks are fun free stuff to do with your friends and family, at the end of the 50 days we are sure you will be more happy, and confident in yourself.This game does not support any negative behaviour of any kind, we strongly believe that life is something precious and we should cherish for it.